Day 357

Education & resources
We all know kids love stories, especially real life adventure stories and even more so if they’re happening in real time. While we are travelling we will be creating engaging classroom friendly content to complement using the free printable workbooks below.
In our world teachers and students are a bit special. If you are a teacher you can sign up for our Classroom Updates which will be emailed directly to your inbox every month. These updates will be written by Hope and Wilfy (with some help) and include more stories and free access to the videos and all the other creative content we produce from the road. If we get a chance we might be able to arrange a video chat along the way. This is all completely free and teachers can unsubscribe or resubscribe at any time.
Sign up to Swag Family Classroom Updates
Teacher Guide
Create Your Own Adventure Student Workbooks
Create Your Own Adventure (Years 1–2) -
Create Your Own Adventure (Years 3–4) -
Create Your Own Adventure (Years 5–6)