Day 249

Close-up of glue being applied to a punctured tyre tube.
Photo: Andrew Hughes

Our journey

We’re a family of adventurers. Back in 2019 our then family of four rode tandem bikes around Australia for a year. It was worth every tantrum (Andrew), roadside crash (Nicola), lolly dropped in the dirt (Hope) and bloody knee (Wilfy).

With one extra member of the family added (Jeannie) and an extra long bike to accommodate her, we are setting off in 2024 to ride around the world. Yep, you read that right. Around the world! The whole journey might take up to three years and throughout our travels we are inviting schools and students to join us online to create their own adventures in classrooms and backyards.

Adventure lovers can follow our travels in a lot of different ways. We’ll be aiming to produce entertaining and informative content regularly.

How to follow

PREMIUM. Welcome to the family! If you want to know what’s really going on, support us on Patreon and get access to all the videos, photos and stories from the road.

Join us on Patreon

FREE. During the journey we will document our travels on a podcast. New episodes from the road will be released every month.

Listen on Spotify

You can also find the podcast on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

FREE. Sign up to our monthly newsletter. This will give you a brief summary of where we are at and what’s been going on.

Sign up to our newsletter

FREE. See where we’ve been on the map.

View our Google Map


There are free units of work with good old fashioned printable workbooks available for you to use in your classroom or at home. They’re based on the Australian Curriculum but the themes are universal and you can hopefully find something in there to make the adventure come to life for your students and children. Apart from the joy of travelling for its own sake, our goal is to inspire young people to get outside and dream up their own way to explore the world around them, take risks, be bold and look after our beautiful and diverse world.

Jump over to the Education and resources page to sign up for free monthly classroom updates. This will give teachers access to all the premium content including videos and stories from the road. We love teachers and students!