Day 185

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Yurkurwal and Yurburya
Yurkurwal is a Garawa Traditional Owner, artist, activist, singer, linguist and teacher. She is also known as Nancy McDinny.
We met Yurkurwal out the front of the Waralungku Arts Centre in Borroloola. She and her sister, Yurburyu, sang while people slowly gathered for the NAIDOC Week celebrations and the ensuing march. As we spoke, and later as we watched and listened, it became clear that both these women were strong threads that weave through their community.
We sat with Yurkurwal, her sister and Yurkurwal’s husband, Stewart, and heard a fraction of their story. Growing up, the importance of culture, caring for country, teaching the next generation and generations after that, and for standing up for what is right.
The theme of this year’s NAIDOC Week is ‘Voice, Truth, Treaty’.
We thank these strong sisters for sharing it, and inviting us to celebrate NAIDOC Week with them and their community.
Find out more about NAIDOC Week.
Watch the video on Vimeo or YouTube to see how it went. Or see our progress on our Google Map.