Day 38

→ Stories
The 28th Governor of Tasmania
Hope and Wilfy had their grubby reflective vests and stripy thermals on. Nicola was in her best campsite clothes and I was, ashamedly, wearing socks under my sandals. At least they were black socks…
It was a proper cold Hobart morning and we’d packed up the tents extra early to make a quick visit to ABC Hobart’s radio studio before arriving at our 8.30am appointment. I pressed the buzzer. The wrought iron gates swung inwards and we rode through. Of our six weeks riding tandem bikes around Tasmania, this was the least likely place you’d imagine us being allowed into.
“Dad, is this a real palace?” Hope asked as Government House Tasmania came into view up the driveway.
As part of our journey we are interviewing and sharing stories from the everyday and extraordinary people we meet along the way. This morning we were meeting one of the extraordinary ones, Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Kate Warner, AC, Governor of Tasmania. Despite Her Excellency’s well publicised recent cancer diagnosis there was no hesitation in keeping our appointment. As a well known outdoor enthusiast I suspect our Tasmanian Governor is the only one in Australia who would meet a ragtag cycle touring family mid-expedition, with all the odours, stains and stiff muscles that go with it.
After a walk around the vegetable garden and grounds of Government House we went inside to conduct the interview. Bookend Trust cameraman Justin ‘Pyrate’ Smith filmed as we discussed the different legal, community and ceremonial roles of Governor and more personal reflections on schooling and adventure.
Formalities aside, what an utter champion!
Watch the video on Vimeo or YouTube to see how it went. Or see our progress on our Google Map.