Day 41

→ Adventure
Richmond to Bellerive
School is well and truly back so we headed back to close to where we began six weeks ago. It was a busy week. Not as much riding to be done as usual, but we had a special visit to Tasmania’s Government House to interview Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Kate Warner, AC, Governor of Tasmania. We will post the interview video during next week. For all of us it was a memorable morning.
As we are heading up the east coast of Tasmania our thoughts are turning to crossing Bass Strait. We did have a yacht lined up to sail us across, but an incident with a mast has dashed that plan. Part of going on adventures is constantly changing your plans to suit what is happening around you! It was lovely to see family and friends again. It feels like a second departure! This time we are leaving and not coming back until the end of the year. We are excited and feel ready for the journey ahead.
Watch the video on Vimeo or YouTube to see how it went. Or see our progress on our Google Map.