Day 312

→ Adventure
Rawlinna to Adelaide
We’ve faced a few challenges recently. Like everything on this adventure, they have been of our own making.
In this latest video update the first challenge is to tackle the limestone track from Rawlinna to Cocklebiddy. We saw one car on the last of the three days we spent out there. It was a couple of geoscientists from Slovenia trying to figure out how the Nullarbor Plain came to be as it is now.
Then we put a self-imposed time limit to reach Adelaide so we could get to Nic’s sisters wedding. It meant averaging 70km/day for 22 days straight. It didn’t help that we got distracted by the awe inspiring Great Australian Bight and took the lumpy back roads through the Eyre Peninsula.
We must just really LOVE challenges!
Watch the video on Vimeo or YouTube to see how it went. Or see our progress on our Google Map.