Day 21

→ Adventure
Queenstown to Arthur River
Leaving Queenstown we headed north to the smaller mining town of Zeehan. Little did we know that later in the week the town would face a fierce bushfire and many would be evacuating to safer places.
At the local hardware shop we bought 1 litre of methylated spirits. This is the fuel we use for cooking on our small camp stove. At the coffee van in front of the museum we met local man Alf Cooper. You can see a special report on Alf later this week as we were invited to visit his house and see some of his wonderful inventions.
Travelling with the big bicycles we look a bit like a circus and people are curious to talk to us. It means we are meeting some great people.
From Zeehan we headed further north and camped out beside rivers on our rough journey to here at Arthur River. The road was mostly gravel and slow going up and down the wickedly steep hills. Just before arriving at Arthur River we met some cyclists on the road including local shack owner Sally. She invited us to stay at her shack with her three children for the weekend. Luxury! A shower, bed, electricity at our fingertips, a view over the wild ocean of the west coast.
Apart from Hope getting a ‘funny tummy’ we’ve continued with a lucky run of avoiding fires and staying healthy.
Watch the video on Vimeo or YouTube to see how it went. Or see our progress on our Google Map.