Day 2

→ Adventure
Leaving home
We’re off and riding! After months of preparation and planning we are finally on the road for the biggest adventure of our lives. (That’s not hard for Hope and Wilfy because they’re only 5 and 3 years old!)
With our modified tandem bikes loaded up with front and rear panniers, handlebar bags and a trailer there is plenty of room to take all the basic equipment we need for a whole year away from home.
We started 2 days ago from our own home in Flowerpot, Tasmania. The first job was to get down the driveway and up the road to Woodbridge. This is the closest town with a school, shop and post office. Hope would normally go to school there but this year she’ll be doing e-school instead.
Watch the video on Vimeo or YouTube to see how it went. Or see our progress on our Google Map.