Day 184

→ Adventure
Burketown to Borroloola
The latest video update covers a lot of dirt and some beautiful country. The one thing we didn’t document properly was the generosity of the locals and fellow travellers.
In between all those corrugations were many roadside offers of water, ginger beer, apples, tea bags and a brain transplant… What we did capture however, possibly a top five highlight for the entire adventure, was an immersion in a willy-willy! There is also a little family of emu chicks and another bog standard wedge-tailed eagle taking off moment (which we never tire of witnessing). Our car numberplate collection is now up to three which is also pleasing.
Next video and education report will be from Mataranka in about 12 days. If you’re on a school holiday, make it an adventurous one!
Watch the video on Vimeo or YouTube to see how it went. Or see our progress on our Google Map.