Day 69

→ Adventure
Beaconsfield to Melbourne
This week we have moved across a state boundary. This line on the map separates Tasmania from Victoria. The island state has a maritime boundary with its nearest neighbour but not a land boundary.
We crossed this imaginary line as we steamed across Bass Strait on the Spirit of Tasmania ferry. There are two identical ferries that criss-cross each other between Devonport and Melbourne each day and night. Most people fly on aeroplanes, but if you have a car, caravan, truck or tandem bike… well, the best way is by boat.
It was a smooth crossing and we rolled off the ship straight into the city. Wow! Lots more people, taller buildings, movement wherever we looked. It was a little disorientating to begin with but we followed bike tracks all the way to an uncle and aunty’s house to stay a few nights before continuing north tomorrow.
Watch the video on Vimeo or YouTube to see how it went. Or see our progress on our Google Map.