Day 339

→ Adventure
Adelaide to Devonport
Departing Adelaide we rode towards the Coorong and the mouth of the Murray River.
Instead of pedaling we took to the water in a boat before hitting the road into Victoria. As we bounced between the wild surf coast and the rich farming land we closed in on the end of the mainland (Tasmanians call everything in the big island this) leg of our long journey. The tall buildings and busy roads of Melbourne were overwhelming to our sense of peace and space that most of Australia is made up of. But the city is full of colour and movement which is also exciting and full of wonder.
This video ends with our ferry ride across Bass Strait to land in Devonport. From the northern edge of Tasmania all we have left to do is pedal down to the south, and our home.
Watch the video on Vimeo or YouTube to see how it went. Or see our progress on our Google Map.