Day 350

We’re doing this because we believe students everywhere have adventure in their bones and want to learn more about the world around them. The following supporters make it possible for us to share this project with those adventurous minds. Find out how to support us.
Department of Education, Tasmania
The Department of Education, Tasmania are our major sponsor and their support allows all teachers in Tasmanian government schools to participate for free. Tasmania is our home and we’ve launched many projects from unofficial adventure learning capital of Australia. ;)
Rebecca Skeers is the web developer extraordinaire behind Webmistress. This thing that you’re looking at works because of Webmistress. It would be a steaming pile of you-know-what without Rebecca’s eye for detail and coding expertise. Working with Patrick (see below) they are the creative partners in this project.
Patrick Badger / Creative
We’ve been working with Patrick for many years to create the Expedition Class badges for projects from Cave Search to Volcano Land (especially love that one). He is a graphic genius (our opinion only) and his website is worth a look.
Bookend Trust
We’ve been working with the Bookend Trust to create inspiring science and environmental outreach projects for nearly ten years. In that time we’ve collaborated with hundreds of schools, thousands of students and heaps of scientists and adventurers on lots of projects. You can see what we’ve been getting up to at Expedition Class.
We had a phone call out of the blue right when we were struggling to make ends meet for this project. It was the community engagement team from Tassal looking for ways to support local school involvement. We said you can do better than that — you can help us support schools right across Australia with free school subscriptions too. So they did.
Inspiring Australia
We secured a small grant from Inspiring Australia to support a few extra free school subscriptions. So if you’re a school who jumped on a free subscription (our preferred model) you can partly thank Inspiring Australia.
Australian Geographic Society
The Australian Geographic Society has chipped in some funding to help us keep the pedals moving. The Australian Geographic Society has been supporting adventurers, scientists and dreamers for a long time and we’re stoked to have them on board.
Nita Education
With at least 50,000 years of knowledge, the Tasmanian based Nita Education is supporting us to develop our Reconciliation Action Plan and connecting us with the palawa and pakana culture and history along our journey through lutruwita / trowerna / Tasmania.
Sea to Summit
Sea to Summit have supplied us with awesome gear for adventures for over a decade. Among other bits of gear we are using their sleeping bags, sleep mats, an overhang tarp, bowls, cups and cutlery and dry bags. When Andrew first paddled a kayak up the east coast of Australia all those years ago he had these guys on board. They still are!
Wilderness Equipment
We’re snug at night in our Space 2 and 3 tents. The kids are in one and Nic and Andrew in the other. That’s the plan anyway.
We ran a GoFundMe campaign to help get off the ground and some really lovely people chipped in. They are, in no particular order of loveliness: D. Dieckfoss, C. Hawkins, C. McShane, S. Bridges, S. Pearce, B. Harvey, M. Keegel, M. Doyle, T. & T. Illingworth, A. Richardson, M. Hughes, B. Pasanen, E. Brinkworth. Thank you!
Pennicott Foundation

The Pennicott Foundation is the charitable arm of Tasmanian tourism legend Robert Pennicott’s family. They provide administrative support to the Bookend Trust and work together to make good things happen.