Day 350

Our journey
Hello, we’re the Swag Family (Nicola, Andrew, Hope and Wilfy Hughes) and we rode tandem bikes around Australia in 2019. This primary school adventure learning project brought thousands of students into a real-life journey to explore the extraordinary stories from the people and environment of this vast continent.
Students can continue to use our resources in classrooms, including specially written workbooks that align with the Australian Curriculum. Now that the riding adventure is over we are performing stories from the journey in schools and at public events throughout 2020. Contact us to enquire about coming to your school or community.
This website and the journey it documents will remain as a resource for primary school teachers and students. It can be used a little or a lot… and at any time of year. Most will use this site during one school term to complete one of the 6–8 week units. To unlock all the units of work you will need to become a subscriber. Thanks to our list of supporters all schools will be eligible for a free subscription.
Sharing the adventure as it really happened is what made this project fun and exciting. We reported live from the field regularly in 2019. You can see these as video reports from the home page or by searching for specific content. Many teachers reported back that watching the videos took their class in different directions with student led inquiries and questions.
About the ride statistics
The statistics shown on this page were updated in almost-real-time throughout the journey. The starting point for the statistics was our Garmin Edge 130 GPS device, which enabled us to upload GPX files of our rides to the internet and derive various other information from these statistics. The statistics on the home page and main pages (such as this one) reflected our current position. The statistics on report pages reflect a snapshot of the statistics on the date we made the report.